Math Teacher Lounge
Math Teacher Lounge is a biweekly podcast created specifically for K–12 math educators. In each episode co-hosts Bethany Lockhart Johnson (@lockhartedu) and Dan Meyer (@ddmeyer)dive deep, with guests, into the math and educational topics you care about. Interact with us on Twitter (@mtlshow) or join our Facebook group (facebook.com/groups/mathteacherlounge) for more content.
Math Teacher Lounge
Beyond My Years podcast trailer
Listen to this trailer for our new podcast, Beyond My Years, launching August 14th.
Every day headlines tout something “new” in education—the latest research, the hottest tech, the trendiest new hacks for organizing your classroom. However, beyond all the hype there’s one underestimated resource that’s truly deserving of our attention: educators who’ve been doing this for years. In this trailer, you’ll hear from host and educator Ana Torres as she explains her season-long journey of learning from the experiences and lessons of seasoned educators from around the world. Their stories will make you laugh, make you cry, and—just maybe—change the way you think. Subscribe now so you don’t miss a thing.
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Ana Torres: 0:00
Right now there is a lot of excitement about what's new in education.
Newscaster 1: 0:06
Students and teachers, they are logged in on Chromebooks and laptops using more and more technology in the classroom .
Newscaster 2: 0:11
Administrators are looking at new ways to measure student success.
Newscaster 3: 0:14
Artificial intelligence is being increasingly used these days, and that includes in schools.
Ana Torres: 0:20
But with all this focus on what's new, there's an invaluable resource that we're really not paying enough attention to.
Missy Testerman: 0:28
I just completed my 32nd year of teaching.
Fawn Nguyen: 0:32
I was in the classroom for 30 even years. My math says I must have started when I was 15.
Ana Torres: 0:39
Well, you look like you did.
Eric Jones: 0:41
I first got paid for being a teacher from the 1st of September, 1969.
Ana Torres: 0:48
I am Ana Torres, a longtime educator and former classroom teacher, and on my new podcast, Beyond My Years, I am seeking out some of the most experienced educators from around the world. We're not gonna say older educators. We're gonna say seasoned educators.
Khamphet Pease: 1:06
I like seasoned. Yes.
Ana Torres: 1:07
These are the people who have experienced it all: Changing of standards, horribly timed principal visits, parent phone calls, second jobs. And not only did they survive, they've grown even more passionate about the profession.
Fawn Nguyen: 1:23
In my next lifetime, I would still teach. I would go back to teaching. That's how much I love it.
Missy Testerman: 1:28
I never got tired of it. I'm still not tired of it.
Ana Torres: 1:32
That's why on beyond my years, I am tracking down these teaching legends.
Eric Jones: 1:37
I'm still teaching, even now at 82 years of age, which makes me the oldest paid teacher in Britain.
Ana Torres: 1:43
And I'm also getting them to tell me how they've done it.
Fawn Nguyen: 1:47
Anything that I feel like is new, it actually has, it traces back. When I dig deeper, it's like, oh my gosh, this was a hundred years ago. It was just by a different name and , and that's comforting to know because we are not trying to invent anything new 'cause that's really hard. It's just we need to do it better.
Ana Torres: 2:06
On Beyond My Years, I am going to hear from long time educators. They're going to share their advice, their chronicles from the classroom, and all of the stories that shaped who they became as teachers.
Khamphet Pease: 2:18
They just assumed that I was gonna be another person who would abandon them just like the other teachers had. In fact, they actually had a betting pool amongst themselves. I later found out to see how long I would last and nobody bet that I was going to survive until the end of the year.
Ana Torres: 2:33
Beyond My Years is for educators, for lifelong learners, for advocates of kids education, and quite honestly, anyone who still remembers that incredible teacher who inspired you. Listen for all of the amazing stories that will make you laugh, make you cry, and just maybe change the way you think. This is Beyond My Years from Amplify coming this August. Subscribe now wherever you get your podcasts.